Taking a Break in the Digital Age
It is alright to step away from our phones
During the past few years, smartphones have become an accessible and valuable tool for us with a wide range of uses. Keeping in touch with our friends and family, irrespective of their physical location is now a common occurrence. A single tap allows us to place an audio or a video call to a loved one on the other side of the world. A feat that was not possible a few decades ago. Emails, messages and photographic evidence of every single event in our day to day lives can be exchanged in less than a minute instead of waiting for the dial-up modem to call an Internet Service Provider which then establishes an internet connection.
In today’s digital age, it is very important to keep ourselves updated with technology. Our world today revolves around technology and it is only right that we grow along with it, too. Either it is for a reason as simple as news, education and banking or something as complex and strenuous as information security and sending rockets to space.
Somewhere along the middle of embracing this advancement, we have lost our path and have given in to our ‘smartphone overlords’. When most of us wake up, the first thing we see is our phone. Instead of a good morning wish to the people who live with us, we dive straight for the phone to find out if our last tweet has gained the traction we thought it would or if our photos have garnered enough likes. With earphones plugged into our ears and heads bent over the screens, we navigate the morning rush and go to school or work. At the end of the day, our thumbs scroll through pages and pages of information and so the process continues.
Yes, smartphones, the latest electronic gadgets, the internet, technology and social media have their uses. As someone who builds apps and websites, I would agree that they have made our lives easier. At the same time, we need to realize that they are just a part of life where we can spend time when we are bored. Somewhere along the lines, we have let smartphones control us and we have forgotten to live.
Not everything needs to be captured in our phones. Not everything we do needs to be documented on social media websites. Sometimes, it is amazing and satisfying to put down the phone and enjoy the scene in front of us.
When was that last time most of us saw a rainbow and just enjoyed it for its presence instead of clicking a picture to post it on social media with a trending hashtag and a caption? For those of the people living far away from big cities, when was the last time someone looked at the light pollution-free night sky and searched for the Big Dipper or the Polaris?
It is totally worth it to curl up on our couch with a steaming hot mug of coffee or any other drink and a book written by our favorite author. It is perfectly okay to put our phones in silent mode and focus on our preferred hobby without any disturbance or distraction.
I agree that man is a social animal. Yet, our lives do not have to be a race. Sometimes, it is normal to take a break from the digital world. It is acceptable to slow down to take a deep breath and to leave our smartphones and our digital presence behind for at least a little while.