Part IV: How to set up a certificate with AWS Certificate Manager
3 min readFeb 11, 2021
Setting up a public certificate with ACM
AWS S3 does not support HTTPS. One of the options to secure the domain is to create a public SSL certificate and use Cloudfront to deliver the content.
- Go to AWS Certificate Manager
- Click Get Started under Provision Certificate
- Choose Request a public certificate and click the Request a certificate button
- Fill in the domain and subdomain names that need to be added to this certificate. Adding a * at the beginning will cover all the subdomains.
- Choose DNS validations and click Next.
If the domain name was registered with Amazon, DNS validation is easier.
- Add any tag name that you want and click Review
- Review the information and click Confirm and request
A request will be in progress.
- Click on the arrow in front of the domain name
- Click on the Create Record in Route 53 button.
- In the resulting modal, click Create
- A success message will show up if everything worked well.
- Do the same for the subdomains, if you have one.
- The Certificate Manager should have the status as Issued and the validation status for the domain should be Succes
- In use? says No because the certificate is not used by a service like CloudFront. Since S3 uses HTTP, this certificate cannot be used on an S3 bucket.
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